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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taming the Wilderness

If you haven't heard the news by now, we bought a horse. (Yes, we are crazy, I freely admit it.)  In order to make room for a barn and a corral we first had to clear the brush and the trees on our property.  I told Shawn I was a bit traumatized when I came outside and saw what he had done.  This whole area used to be trees, and I liked my small bit of untamed wilderness.  

To get rid of the big pile of brush and dirt at the back of the property and to even out the ground, Shawn dug a huge hole with this monster and buried all the brush.

After he dug the hole for the brush we ended up with a massive dirt pile the kids had so much fun playing on.

Once the trees were in the hole, he buried it all, and then smoothed it out.  
 The pile is gone and our yard looks like this....
...a giant mud pit.

Now on to building the corral and the barn.


Cordie said...

Miss those cute kids!

mamatamera said...

Wow that is a big project you've undertaken! I hope the barn and corral go up without incident. Happy horse owning.