One good thing about the winters here is that we get great sunrises and sunsets. You really get to enjoy them because they happen in the middle of the day. I took both of these pictures on the same day. The first one is a sunrise at our house at about 9:00 in the morning. The second picture is at sunset at around 4:15 in the afternoon. I was at Chena Lakes which is a great place to go swimming in the summer and not very far from our house.

Beautiful sunrise & sunset. Okay, one good thing about living in Alaska. I still think you need to move closer. We miss you!!!!
Beautiful, but I agree with Jenn, sorry!
You are sooo lucky that you get to enjoy the sunrise and sunset. My favorite thing in the world is to watch the sunrise. Too bad I refuse to get up early enough to see it. You took some great pictures. You should frame them and put them in your home. Miss you too!
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