Misc. pictures
The boys had so much fun burying Hannah in the leaves last week. It is definitely fall here and we can tell that winter is on it's way. Yesterday the weather report said to expect snow in the higher elevations this week. I am really enjoying the fall weather right now and I am not at all ready for snow and the cold that comes with winter.
For a school project Tabetha took a whole bunch of pictures outside of the trees and the yard. She took this picture of our house. She takes great pictures, doesn't she? We love the new color of the house. Tan is much better than pealing blue. We are still working on the trim though.
Another picture by Tabetha. I thought it was so funny I had to include it.
This year in school we are studying ancient history. Today we read about the early nomads. The kids went outside and made shelters out of sticks, leaves, grass, and anything else they could find. They had a great time. Tabetha finished hers quickly. The boys got distracted with trying to build an ax to help them improve their shelter. Their shelter is about half done at this point. They are all glad that they don't have to build their own houses to live in.
Cute pictures! I really like the house color!
Happy birthday Shawn! I love the slide show and the music how fun!
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